Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Live with purpose (For Cameron)

If you only knew the potential in you
The dream  you're meant to be
You'd shake off that cloak of acceptance
And pursue what your heart sees


If you only dreamed...
The roads you'd travel
The steps you would take
The stars you would capture

If you only plumbed
The depths of your destiny
The extremes of your universe
The infinity of your galaxy

If life is such a battle
But you have the right armor
Then why accept defeat
Why anything but victory

You see beyond the clouds
You soar beyond the stars
You walk amongst the giants
You live beyond the can'ts

Then why why WHY
Would you still scratch amongst the chickens
Crawl along with the vipers
Snatch down with the crabs

You're meant for far more
So soar amongst the eagles
Sail atop the waves
Imagine beyond the boundaries

You're meant to walk farther
You're meant to run faster
You're meant to jump higher
You're meant to sing louder


Awaken the sleeping purpose
Dust off the tabled dream
Break out of the box of limits
And live to the extreme

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